We have bought ExchangeMyCoins

February 16, 2018 Quick read

Dear User,
Evonax.com has bought ExchangeMyCoins and we have opened the site again and ready for exchanging your coins today. We are now working hard to extend our range of crypto currency’s and other services and hope you will use us in the future. If you have some great ideas that would make the site better please let me know.
A bit about us and why you can trust the new setup. The new owners are pioneers within e-commerce and Evonax A/S is a subsidiary company under Thyregod Invest ApS. The Holding company is privately owned and have an equity of $27 million and operate in 8 countries.
Personally I look forward to make a site, that is easy to use and trustworthy.
Have a nice day
Poul Thyregod